My Soulful Prairie Product Line



My Soulful Prairie logoMy Soulful Prairie

Where dreams are formed, hopes embraced
and inspirations manifest naturally.
Where flickers of a scorching summer sun
weave themselves through
seas of swaying tall grass.
Then, vast horizons turn into possibilities,
river rock pebbles into diamonds;
crimson, umbers and blue sunsets
into the oceans of tomorrow.
It takes a lifetime to embrace the Prairie,
to flow with ease
within its wavering patterns of existence.
The Prairie is to me,
A pervasive sense of quietude and peace,
nourishing my sense of solitude.
And in an early morning assembly,
between chit-chats and worm hunting,
I leisurely flip my blue wings
and sail along silently,
drifting across the pristine beauty
of sky over the endless rolling hills.
It is then that I know
that I'll forever be gracing you
with my soft song of faith,
the happy tune of my heritage,
that is your heritage.
Truly yours,


Balsam of the Prairie is the first product in the My Soulful Prairie Product Line.





Birch catkins photoThe herbs used in our products are either sustainably wildharvested in small batches in the Rocky Mountains and high desert regions of Colorado, or are obtained from organic farms in rural Oregon. These farms are certified organic through Oregon Tilth which is fully accredited by the USDA National Organic Program. The essential oils used in our products are made using old world distillation processes, and are considered to be the purest one can obtain. The raw materials for these oils are either wildharvested in a manner which respects the plant's natural habitation, or grown organically on family owned farms located in environmentally clean regions around the globe. All other ingredients in our products are carefully chosen from among the best available at any particular time. We will never use a non-organic material if an organic one is available regardless of price or profit.



acorn photoThe information on this website, and all statements made by us as well as testimonials from our customers, have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and therefore are for educational purposes only. No product offered by 'Consider the Lilies' herbal company is intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. One should always consult with a competent, fully informed medical professional when making decisions concerning one's health.